1. LEADERSHIP: We work to make the Observatory an international reference point, with a vocation for service and in collaboration with the various public administrations and international organisations.
2. EXCELLENCE: We carry out our work with the highest demands, rigour and quality, so that our recommendations are accredited and reliable.
3. EFFECTIVENESS: We strive to achieve our objectives, verifying their fulfilment and adopting the necessary corrective measures in each case.
4. COMMUNICATION: We work to raise awareness and educate citizens by encouraging their participation, analysing the information they provide us with and publicly disseminating the conclusions of our work .
5. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION: We actively collaborate with international organisations and institutions, aware of the need for mutual support between the different organisations and the implementation of projects that benefit all our members
6. KNOWLEDGE PROMOTION: We analyse, evaluate and disseminate the best technical and scientific knowledge in the field of psoriatic disease